quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

How to Study for the TEAS: SCIENCE

In this video, I get into the nitty gritty of all of the concepts I studied in preparation for the TEAS V. One concept I failed to mention: ionic/covalent/metalic bonds, so be sure to get familiar with these as well! Grab yourself a piece of paper and a pen and happy studying!




good morning everyone today is the day we are getting into studying for the

science portion of the teeth but before we begin I do want to put a little

disclaimer at the beginning of this video I’m just kind of reiterating the

fact that this is me sharing what i did to study

45 test I am in no way saying do this and you’re going to get the same score

that I did I pray that if you follow these concepts and really get familiar

with them that things play out for you the way they played out for me because I

really do want all of us to succeed we can all be nurses and we cannot come

this to be super happy and doesn’t have to be this cutthroat thing which I’m

really something a lot of uh no one want anyone else to succeed in doing well on

their teeth because it’s like well if I help you then

am I gonna get in you’re probably going to score better than I do and that’s not

what I want

so in doing this take it for what it’s worth

do not hold me accountable if you still do rotten it’s not my issue there are a

lot of other factors that will go into play in determining how well you do on

the T’s and I really can’t control all those through just a youtube video so

that out of the way let’s get into it hopefully right now you are organized

and if not we’re going to get you there before i get into the the topics that

we’re going to be looking at all i wanted to show you guys an example of

that calendar i was referencing in my previous video study calendar

I did get that ID idea from one of the older

a TI study guide its version

three-point Oh long story short I was going to take this test at one point

prior to when I just recently did never ended up doing it in between then and

now they changed up the study guide

so here i am with you once all the one that’s now but one thing that the old

city guide has that the new one doesn’t

um if this study calendar and here’s a little peek at that

and this is exactly what i was talking about in my previous video and on here

it’s exactly what I told you essentially but I didn’t want to make sure that a TI

was getting credit for the idea it was not necessarily mine

I know that it’s not really like a patented idea to come up with a study

calendar but just to cya

I was doing that or wanted to bring that to your attention

so let’s get into the topics that i recommend studying for the teeth

there are tons and tons and tons of lists out there on the internet if you

know how to use google you should have no issues

figure out what you want to study for them to use science section

however there was one with that I specifically used I got it from all

nurses . com

someone had posted it and then there were the jungles of other lists and I

kind of just compiled everything together and came up with the master

list and so right now I would like for you to either

pause the video and go running at a piece of paper and a pen or pencil or

pause the video and pull up a word document so that you can take these down

I don’t really want to try them on in the comments section because then no one

will watch my video so i want to get into it

um but one more little side note i’m not doing anything in regard to specific

questions from tease

I’m not going to reiterate them i’m not going to do a hypothetically speaking

type scenario i’m going to give you these concepts

that’s literally it so we’re through

King for questions right from the tea’s test you can go ahead and look elsewhere

because that’s not happening here and this is just giving you a better . in

the right direction as to where to focus your studies for entities science

section so that and everything else out of the way let’s get into it

I have my last pulled up right here ok first thing

scientific reasoning that is one of the main categories of the science portion

of the tease you are going to be able are going to need to be able to say if

an experiment is um I don’t know after it or not for testing a particular

variable variable all you’re going to need to know the difference between the


next is the scientific method you’re going to need to know the steps in order

and no examples of each step

you’re going to need to understand why an experiment is repeated and uh you

know and what switching up these different variables may have what types

of effects that may have on your outcome and how to organize that data and

interpret the data you will need to know the fundamentals of electronegativity

you will need to understand the various physical states of matter including gas

liquid solid and and how a change in state might affect the volume and

pressure know the relationship between pressure and volume it’s an inverse


that’s all I’m going to expand upon I don’t have time to get into it really

detailed also no specific boiling freezing points specific heat and no

like the actual fahrenheit and celsius and Kelvin it wouldn’t hurt to know

Calvin as well boiling and freezing point at least a water and get a feel

for the chemical properties of water

I hope that’s what I just went into as well as the specific values and specific

heat and the temperature at which it freezes of oils and

Stan what happens during serial dilution and what values result from it

once you get the hang of those they’re very easy and it’s a very simple concept

but it might take you a little while to just sort of embrace it and get it stuck

in your head before I really think sin but once you know what your you’re


there might might be questions that go backwards as in here’s what we ended up

with after we diluted it here

what would you have had on this step so keep that in mind being able to do them

backwards and forwards or whichever way this is backwards

anyhow know the general concept of natural selection and adaptations make

sure you’re able to distinguish between two given in an example

no all the factors that influence birth and fertility rates there’s a nice list

of those in your study guide BTW i study guide and just be familiar with those

and be able to determine which ones have to do with population increased vs

population decrease or same the same etc understand population rose decline based

upon rates of emigration and immigration as well as birth and death and that’s

pretty straightforward by immigration and emigration the satellites they’re

easy to get confused

so maybe spend a little time getting more familiar with that if you need to

you know your biological classification from general to specific a really good

the acronym is

did King Philip come over for granny’s soup

that way you have the domain kingdom phylum etc and when they ask you

questions be sure to very thoroughly read them sometimes it will asking for

the direct class under whichever one is stated sometimes it will ask you for the

next third one or the smallest or most inclusive etc so be sure to really focus

in on what the question is asking know as much as you can about nucleic acids

DNA and RNA we’ve all been learning

about them for years but you will need to be very I don’t know the right word

you’ll need to very thoroughly understand them including how they bond

the basis how they care their makeup they are composed of amino acids and

obviously proteins by relation and know which pieces are unique to RNA and DNA

no code on be able to predict a codon pattern from a pair of bases or a series

of basis i should say that you’re provided with know which are purines and

pyrimidines prime remedy pirate amines such a tricky word

they’re very straightforward once you memorize it you’re fine and no the

stages inside and out of translation and transcription know where it happens know

which enzymes are involved including ligase helicase and the resource the

outside resources that i used for this because there really isn’t a whole lot

in the HS study guide going to the specifics of translation and

transcription was the crash course

youtube channel with Hank which I have reference before and i will certainly

post below and but they do a superb job of really just breaking it down into a

format that you can process and even if you don’t watch the video again

watch it a third for the big time and so it just clicks and and that’s definitely

something you will see and know the parts of the cell and both eukaryotes

and prokaryotes and what those parts do be able to equate a structure in a

prokaryote to a eukaryote for example the mitochondria

what would that be equivalent to in a prokaryotes and there are a lot of

questions like that no one each of the structures do in both of these types of

cells and know about the membranes if there is one

and that sounds about right

and just right now you can already check one of these off equate amino acids with

proteins amino acids we were always taught in high school are the building

blocks of proteins

if you just internalize that then you can already check this off your study

list and it will actually probably help you tremendously on the TV is by just

being familiar with that concept understand the makeup of the so while

we’ve got that chromosomes and genes and alleles know what they are how they

relate to each other and how effective for organisms know the difference

between a genotype and phenotype very basic you can’t even relate phenotype to

physical as in phenotype is watching physically c genotype as in your jeans I

mean a lot of this is common sense but it’s always good to review it

so different situation

there it is no which each become including the mesial and or an actor


mitosis vs meiosis you will need to know all the phases g1 s and g2 included and

what’s happening

each um you will probably just want to what i did with any flash cards of the

chart from the book and then I actually had to look somewhere else or no maybe I

didn’t for g1 s and g2 regardless you will need to know all those know exactly

what’s going on in each as compared to the other in other mitosis to meiosis

know the results of each which is half was deployed know which does which be

sure you understand what a heterotroph versus an autotroph is and how they can

relate to each other in the life cycle especially and how maybe one is

dependent on the other review photosynthesis and be very familiar with

that know that

equation know the results just be familiar with that process know about

cellular respiration

what happened and why what the products are why it’s so important to be able to

read a quote on chart which we’ve already kind of covered and decipher the

outcome mutations for this versus adaptation and then phenotype genotype

punnett squares and those are very easy but you will need to understand them be

able to interpret your results into a percentage

how many will be carriers dominant genes i may be recessive things of that nature

kinetic and potential energy know the difference and be able to recognize them

and maybe know the definitions as well and and then the earth science

just look at your manual for that its basic it’s not

I mean maybe it’s not even in your manual but it can be logically thought


I think I may be only had one or two earth science questions and they were

very like logic oriented so it wasn’t a big deal it wasn’t something that you

needed to go out and study out of out of the way I know about the periodic table

i would recommend getting familiar with the trends know about valence electrons

their importance know where the alkali metals are know where the halogens and

the noble gases are and their qualities as in for example the halogens are very

active they’re very electronegative and so they are always wanting to bonds

things such as thought enzymes and vitamins know what they do where they

come from and why they’re important

you don’t need to get really in depth with the vitamin part i would say focus

more on enzymes and what they do what the results are if they change in what

they’re doing etc understand ph understand litmus paper the different

colors blue and red

which means which I understand

ph understand assets versus basis

you may even want to look into certain examples of acids and bases and which I

don’t know the correct word chemical makeup which chemical symbols can point

out a base from a and acid if you are looking at them understand hydrocarbons

saturated and unsaturated know there are formulas normal their bonds

um that was something I really have to study i had no idea what a hydrocarbon

even was remember how to balance basic chemical equations Khan Academy does a

really great job of this i will link to them below my kiddie that’s child

he’s just saying hello oh but anyways khanacademy and i will link to that that

below along with the crash course i’m not sure that they do that

and even if Khan Academy really doesn’t do it for you Google and YouTube and

YouTube is an invaluable resource because if one person doesn’t

necessarily explain it in a way that to comprehend you can go out and find

another person who may be does and then next let’s move into ampe there are a

lot of rather in depth and P concept so i would just recommend if you haven’t

taken a MP one or two as part of your prerequisite programs hold off on taking

the t’s until you’ve completed those classes

just because there’s a lot of information in here that you’re going to

be trying to kind of crammed in your brain and it may or may not stick as

well as it would in an organized

ampe classroom environment if you were to have learned it that way versus just

trying to digest that on your own a lot of things that you’re going to need to

know for the tease or you should at least three familiar rise yourself with

would be blood join through flowing through the heart

no all the structures and it passes through and through which orders where

it gets created oxygen

it at and arteries means you’re going to need to know all that all the battles be

able to reason if there were a valve that gave out in the heart

what would happen and no makeup of the lungs and where oxygen exchange occurs

the actual structures where that occurs and no the section of the brain and what

each is responsible for tissue types where you find them and what they do and

digestive system be able to list

essentially all the structures that are bullets would go through including the

intestines I mean from mouth to anus you’re going to need to know all of the

structures in with the proper order that they occur if you were essentially

watching a follow-through

no the functions of the liver speed and spleen and pancreas

these are the tricky ones i would always get liver and pancreas confused

learn about those i’m not sure that the book does a great job on that but if you

have already taken an EMP which hopefully you have you can just look and

reference your old books and i’m planning on showing you which ones I

used and know which systems they belong to you

for example the endocrine or whatever some of them may be alarmed more than

one so be aware of that and be able to read the question analyze it and provide

the inter that they’re asking for

certainly you could provide an answer that would be arguably correct but it

may not be the answer that they’re looking for in regards to these specific

three organs so just be aware of that

I’m know the limits system does and how it accomplishes that be familiar with

the nervous system and its divisions such as the central nervous system and

the peripheral I’m know about an atomic and not an atomic autonomic and so

Maddox functions never structure of the kidney know what it does know what

it assists in know what it balances

there are several different things that about us so be very familiar with that

no your anatomical terms I think we oughta learn these the superior inferior

proximal distal know all those the study guide a TI study guide has a list of

notice so you can make flash cards if you need to or just look at on refresh

your memory if you’ve already learned them know the parathyroid in the thyroid

how they work together

what hormones they secrete including t3 t4 calcitonin and what all those four


do I know that’s kind of in-depth I don’t even know that we covered that in

AP but it’s something that you should definitely invest the time into getting

to know

and lastly me immune system the natural versus artificial and active versus

passive acquire a shins

is that a word of immunity against certain adenoviruses sicknesses illness

lows and recognized examples of those and it talks about that in your study


um no the different cells involved in the immune response

for example the helper T cells um that’s the only one I can think of off the top

of my head but no those and again this little guy has that in there

most of this information can be found in your HS study guide however some of

these more very in-depth concepts such as the helicase and I get involved and

trans description

translation you’re going to need to look elsewhere which is why i want to quickly

show you which amp ebook i use it is by Mary ab human anatomy and physiology 9th


you can probably find out just about any bookstore college bookstore

i should say huh there and it’s pretty heavy but that was not cheap but another

thing along with that a lot of amp ebooks come along with a studying thing

online I know that we person does that go through an axis that there are so

many examples on there that you can use and that can help you to just kind of

solidify these concepts in your mind and there are even mp3’s on tough topics

that were created

it’s essentially just like a short little mini lecture that’s just down to

the bear meat and bones of the concept and you can download that get it on your

phone listen to it

isil’s into him all the time before I was getting ready to go to bed and so

much of it sticks in your brain especially if you access it at a time

right before you go to sleep

actually proven it’s actually there are studies out there on it that if you

listen to information or expose yourself to new information before you get ready

to go to sleep and then go to sleep sleeping helps convert that information

into you from your short-term into your long-term memory

so keep that in mind as a clearing for the TV and other classes in college and

lastly was the study man y’all 4am p

I I mean this is my ear anymore men exploring on me into geology in the

laboratory second edition

you don’t necessarily need this specific one but if you are looking for maybe

some more practice in regard to MP concepts that would be a great place to

turn aside from that this video is 22 minutes long so war bless you if you

have watched this bar

I really hope these concepts help you out and if you have any questions at all

always feel free to comment or message me or email me anything

calling me on Twitter whatever you like to do i’m always more than happy to help

I certainly wish you the best of luck with studying for the teeth and that’s

it for now

happy easter and have a great weekend

How to Study for the TEAS: SCIENCE

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