quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

AP Environmental Science Exam Review (Part 1 of 6)

The College Board AP Environmental Science Exam is an annual exam in May, and this video can help you review the vital topics in the course throughout the year for a great review.

This review includes:











hello, how are you doing

well today I’m gonna go ahead and go through a PowerPoint I made

gone through all the year since first semester to now

to prepare you for the AP exam so let’s get started

suffers was gonna go ahead open the PowerPoint

UCI World apes here and

alright so let’s go ahead and get started

so ionizing radiation

is having enough energy to knock electrons from Adams

forming ions capable of causing cancer

basically self-exam Tory

kinda like UV rays so high quality Energy’s Energy that is

that is concentrated

like it could it could actually do work do things

but low quality energy is kinda this

first disorganized it’s just like kinda like he

in the ocean airway and on the first law

thermodynamic Stacy energy is neither created nor destroyed

but it may be converted from one form to another

um such as in the second law of thermodynamics

States when energy is change from one phone to another some useful energy is

always degraded into a lower quality energy

so say in the he

ecosystem Bagram or no the heat dissipation diagram

so the producers get 10 percent at the energy from the Sun

ninety percent of that it is just disappear

is a copy creative destroyed so

it it turns into he that’s how that works

so the natural radioactive decay is the main

unstable are unstable radio isotopes

and when they decay the release gamma rays

an alpha and beta particles me

half-life is the time it takes for 1/2 the mass

a radioisotope to decay estimate of how long a radioactive isotope must be

stored until the case to a safe level

is approximately 10 half-lives which is quite a while

depending on which have since we’re speaking of nuclear fission

okay here’s a cool way remember it you see the

F ISS I O N their 2 S’s

seek actually but in like they’re going apart so

this is the new clever isotopes that part so there you’re going apart

there separate directions nominate they

change the massive it

is usually a dispersed as well but

nuclear fusion is when they come together to get a heavy amass

so com yeah remember fusion is when it comes together

and fishing is when they go apart so or as a rock that contains

a large enough concentrations mineral making it profitable to mine

this is what those miners are looking for organic fertilizer

is is long-lasting because the organic remains

have to break down be decomposed by bacteria and stuff like that sort

last longer than some of the other fertilizers

because love this natural property in the best solution energy shortages


conservation and that increases

and in also to crease efficiency surface mining

is when they they

kinda like mountaintop mining I’m sure you guys talked about that when they

blow off the mountain tops to

extract coal examples like this and also open pit mining where they take a really

big pit

in a in an area to extract the coal

which is or which they can profit from

it’s cheaper than underground mining acre move more minerals

and its also less harmful to workers then underground mining

now harness is organic

dark material remaining after Deacom opposition by microorganisms

if you can see in this diagram I’ll AB and C

see is like really hard stuff he is a little bit by a

lighter but 0

on the o-level is the kinda stuff you

you actually see on the ground at

you know just walking on it that’s what you’re actually walking on organic dark


I mean material still leaching

the removal love dissolved materials from soil

by moving water downwards so

if their stuff in the soil and the lower a rise in

those materials remove when those materials move down

by getting rained on or what not

that’s called leaching now the luv elation lehrer

is what forms and the B horizon

and that’s like all world the leech material goes

Salone is the perfect agricultural soil

with equal portions us and silt and clay

if you remember the soil triangle

you’ll recall that sometimes it can be to Sandy permeable

to too much clay which means he likes a couple whole buncha stuff

in in some other examples

conservation is when you actually use resources but is responsible

what you’re being responsible with resources I keep your drink Coke cans


you should recycle them but preservation is saying

okay I am going to preserve the

these this forest because I don’t want

down any life to be disrupted

because I’ll

up a.m. excuse me I just I just want to set aside the force that that

no more cut it down ecosystems can continue

parts if the hydrologic cycle which is like the water cycle

water evaporates and then the condensates

now only just from evaporation respiration but also transpiration

which is when trees down through the

photosynthesis process they they make water so that

sort of evaporates was actually called transpiration and it goes up into a


in then precipitation is when it falls back down

and its it’s like rain

and then infiltration is when it goes into the ground

runoff is when it runs off from aside to go

somewhere else so the water goes to another place from were originally fell

from precipitation for infiltration

is where it goes

into the crowd excuse me

an aquifer is any water bearing layer and the ground

and the corner depression is remember when you lower the water table

around trample

saltwater intrusion usually happens near the coast

and what happens here is when people over pump groundwater

it can cause salt water to move into the aquifer

in you that the I mean it gets into a lot a whole

whole budget less if this happens because you can’t drink salt water cuz

it’s not healthy

I mean it’s not good for you so you can’t you drink that

and then if you try to use reverse osmosis that can be extremely expensive

so we use is try to avoid salt water intrusion

and so stands for the El Nino Southern oscillation

and it is a see sonya air pressure over the South Pacific which changes

um the following things the high to the ocean on both sides

it causes Peruvian upwelling sissies and causes temperature disturbances

which interrupts the world’s weather so

it basically just Sophie if there are two sides

the Pacific Ocean

like usually the left side near

near the left side is usually really a

near age is really high so

in in el nino year all kinds of

kind of settles out in that changes the weather in

in the trade winds asked nasa it’s crazy during an el nino will

we year the Tradewinds weekend and warm waters move back to South America

and that causes temperature disturbances but during an on el nino year

easterly trade winds and ocean currents for warm water

in the western Pacific and senses warm water they wanna kinda

can equalize so-called water has to come up from the bottom with all these


om so that these organisms can live

and in these are called up Wellings

nitrogen-fixing is

way okay so nitrogen in the air cannot be used directly by plants

so bacteria basically take the nitrogen in the air

and they make it into ammonia so that the plants can actually easy

a modification is Wendy composers cover

organic waste into ammonia for plant use

the differences bacteria converts

nitrogen into ammonia but decomposers cover

organic waste which is like poop from cows or what not

the decomposes come on that and convert it into ammonia

nitrification is when the money is converted into nitrate ions

so that they can use that Indian education

is when the ammonia turns back in it nitrogen

so that they can go back into the nitrogen cycle

which is shown here you see

the nitrogen in atmosphere in the atmosphere 6

by bacteria and also

I’m decomposers turn it into

amo ammonia as well in the match

occasion happens it makes nitrates and nitrites

in d18 education is when

echoes back into the atmospheres into

phosphorus does not sick leave is easily is action because this is a

exists a gas but is released by will

the weathering a phosphate rocks I’m gonna take a break here

but in the next video continue

so I’ll see you

next time

AP Environmental Science Exam Review (Part 1 of 6)

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