quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

GED Science | What You Need to Know

GED Science | What You Need to Know


GED study guide . or presents everything you should know about the GED science

exam be a lot of time for the science portion is 90 minutes

the exam consists of 30 for questions to pass the exam

you must have a minimum score of 150 points

the test will be administered on a computer

forty percent of the test will consist of life science questions

life science topics include genetics and DNA organization of ecosystems evolution

and natural selection and cell structures and processes twenty percent

of the task will consist of earth and space science questions earth and space

science topics include structure of the our plate tectonics geological cycles

and processes solar system the universe weather and climate renewable and

non-renewable natural resources

forty percent of the test will consist of physical science questions

physical science topics include atoms and molecules chemical reactions energy

and work motions and forces and electricity other test taking skills

involved your scientific study comprehension scientific study

comprehension are questions that require you to interpret passages from a reading

and or graphs with specific information

you must also be familiar with scientific method

your knowledge of the scientific method will be used to recognize and identify

the steps involved evaluate conclusions from the evidence and apply concepts and

formal when necessary

other times taking skills are your mathematical comprehension and reasoning

mathematical skills include creating charts for apps and other data

evaluating scientific probabilities and reading and applying statistical data if

you need a calculator during the exam

simply click the calculator icon on your test computer screen

you will be responsible for two short answer responses

each short answer response is worth up to three points short answer responses

are based on one or more reading passages and our graphics or a

combination of the two

your response will be typed in a box found in your test computer screen

you are expected to green one or two

well constructed paragraphs with well supported information that has been

pulled from the passages graphs and charts for more information stop by

GED study guide on board or click the link below for more information

GED Science | What You Need to Know

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