quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2016

Earth Science Review - Astronomy


ok astronomy here we go ready for astronomy

let’s do it this is a little weary which one is a solar eclipse possible i hope

you guys can see this solar eclipse whatever is in the phrase is means not

just being blocked out the Sun is being blocked out by the moon so the moon is

to be in the way what would that be me this right here is where solar eclipse

is possible that i was doing with this one I’m gonna skip this

don’t worry about this it shows why we’ve got this is the spectral lines of

specialized of an element that is stationary what would an element the

spectral lines look like coming from space well everything is based moving

away from us because of the Big Bang so it should be shifted towards our red red

side not violet red so this is your hands of things in space or moving away

because the spectral lines shift towards the red at the very least know that and

also know you see this phrase redshift that is evidence the universe is

expanding universe is expanding or proof of the Big Bang either one of those red

ship know that will chance of being a question on it is

hi hi eighty percent chance

here we go ok let’s say this is the earth the moon of different at different

locations in its revolution around the Sun what say they ask what is the moon

going to look like forward observer on earth when the moon is that see this is

why I teach people do it i don’t see enough kids actually doing it

draw this on your paper will help you get it right okay see what does it look

like I’m going to draw friend right there

they’re spread looking up at it what does he see could be something on this

side of the moon

no I can’t he draw a line in there that shows what he can see or are dividing

line of what you can see no longer private like this

ok you try to go through these lines right here he looks up and as he looked

up in this case I could turn my head you can you turn your paper

look up and say the sudden mostly this is the moon mostly lit up mostly dark or

half-and-half what he looks up is mostly lit up when he sees what side is dark

for him again you turn your paper i can’t i can’t turn the small board

not yet i can turn the board yet working on it

the right side is lit up so what we look like i’m going to draw it right here

hopefully you can see this is a bright side dark what that looks like this

I know some of you are saying I don’t that is I know that is it’s a waxing

know you shouldn’t be saying that because it’s of waning gibbous a waning

gibbous moon to write in it waiting give us we’re on a waning gibbous and left

side split up want to use the fur conium method of the alphabet and is on the

left X’s on the right waxing and waning now why do I love that I love that

method bill that stretch is a shout out your belt that’s great for coding method

going down in history

so next year something comes up with something better but for now history

that that serious so for installation back again to show you some stars I’m

sorry you simple question of serious tell me the color of serious and the

temperature or profit temperature so you got to go here you gotta go you gotta go

here picture 15 of em stable at the top we’re serious serious is right here with

the color be one that’s all it’s a white star and what the temperature be well

this is 10,000 fired up a little less than 10,000 maybe 9500 we go back and

write that in color what is a white temperature

let’s say around

9500 degrees c which is hot

maybe not her star but for you and i that’s unbelievably hot

only more on this question what I got this question talk

it’s bigger highest tides on earth are going to occur when the moon is it look

what positions high tide so here’s the Sun here’s the moon you get high tides

also called springtime when the gravitational pull of the Sun and the

moon work together so we’re kind of in a straight line so it’s going to be at

three and one you’re going to have those really high tides and it’s really low

low times because the gravity two all working in a line and know that it’s

called spring tides and it’s going to shows it I like this kind of shows that

went to the moon here and in line with the Sun you look at you have your high

tide kind of hotties here my dear low tides here in the university of vienna

not reverse a different situation when the moon is over here your height here

at no time you and you know the diagram is not really to scale but the general

gist hopefully you’ll get

what I wanted to do with this is what I wanted to do with it

we’re gonna skip it well here we go

Oh call pendulum remember that video i show that video which I think really

really showed it quite well what you see focal pendulum and basically pendulum

stays in the same motion it looks like it moves and the reason is because the

rule the earth is rotating beneath it mind-blowing you see focal potential

local pendulum is proof or evidence that proved Earth rotates chance of being a

question about the earth rotate it is very hot

not sure why your state love to prove the with the Earth rotates stuff that

love it

so between focal mention that have another one already have it in the other

one would be other evidence that proof rotates and people jumping up and down

saying right now not as exciting is this Coriolis effect that is how wins curve

on earth for inspectors also proof Earth rotates not as exciting as this know

that as well however

stop right there here i’m gonna stop right there to see you next episode

which I bet it’s going to be to logic history probably seen a little bit

Earth Science Review - Astronomy

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